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Writer's pictureGSeverino

Who's GSeverino?

Updated: Sep 27, 2023

If you've gotten this far, then you probably already know who I am. Maybe you don't. But, I'll tell you anyway: my name is Gaby Severino and, as of today, I'm 22 years old. I also go by Book of a Writer (a brand identity across my platforms) and GSeverino (my author's pen name).

This is me: hi!

You might as well be wondering what I do

A Romance New Adult Novel Writer (who would've thought, huh)...or at least that's what I'm working to become.

Professionally, I am a publicist and SEO content writer (you could say I'm very well-trained in the marketing world). Using those skills and talent for writing, I am aiming for freelancing and entrepreneurship.

Yes, I have a tough road ahead, but I have stories to tell and a desire to bring in a new vision, light, and energy as a way to connect with others. So, in an attempt to explore those connections, here's a little more about me:

Obsession #1: fantasy worlds

Yes, sue me; I'm obsessed with fantasy, mystery, dystopian worlds. Between Harry Potter, Star Wars, and Urban Fantasies (think Arthurian tales and Once Upon a Time), I've found my escape (besides romance, duh). But, who hasn't?

Obsession #2: romance

As my description says, I love, love, romance tales. Give me cliché, enemies to lovers (but, realistic, please), love at first sight. I die over a slow burn, a rekindled flame, and tragic endings (make me bawl my eyes out).

Obsession #3: binging

Be it books, or shows, or movies, if I could spend my day just binge-reading or watching, I'd be a very happy girl.

It may not even be that good, what I'm reading or watching, but I could do it in less than a weekend (yes, I'm bragging, but just a bit).

Obsession #4:

Need I say more? I don't think so...

Coffee is life.

Obsession #5: Wattpad

Yes, that little orange app has me hooked since 2013, and I don't think I'll ever leave. I mean...maybe when I'm a grown-ass adult with kids but, who knows??

...that's enough for my first blog.

I hope you stay along for the ride as I go through this journey of self-discovery through my writing and share my experiences with you (it will be...interesting). Let me know your thoughts, questions or tell me about yourself down in the comments; I would love to get to know you too.

See you on the next one, my invisible friends, muah!

(P.S.: I'm really enjoying writing blogs for myself.)

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